Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just a few more days...

I can't believe that it's already Wednesday of the last week of training. So many things have happened in the last 2 months while at training, but like I shared with everyone on TREK this morning, this whole time, the most significant thing that has happened in my life has been looking at my life from the outside in (in a sense). So many times as Christians we can go on with life just okay with being okay, and not really realizing that being a Christian is a day to day decision to come under God's authority. After hearing all the speakers, I've realized that there is so much that I have learned, and there is even more stuff that I still have to learn. In a way, being on TREK is like getting taken out of "real life" and being able to look into our lives from the outside. TREK staff has really emphasized that these 6 months should not be it......but that it should be a lifetime commitment to becoming more like Christ, and this is just the beginning.
I've been able to see things in my life that I need to surrender to Him, give up to Him, ask Him, and praise Him for the grace that He has for me. I want to challenge you as you stay updated with me, that you may feel God calling you to a deeper relationship with Him and I pray that you come to that realization DAILY! I pray that you be encouraged to be "covered in the dust of your Rabbi."
As I'm preparing to go lead a team into a country that I have no idea about the language, culture, people, etc., I hope that I will be surrendering everything to Him in every second! I am praying that our team jump into this opportunity to jump alongside with God and into what He's already doing in Japan.
Please pray that as we leave Vancouver on Monday morning and get to Toyota City, Japan (city we'll be living in) 24 hours later, that we would have safe travel, stay healthy, patience for our team members, and most of all, be witnesses for Him wherever we're at. Thank you for all your support, love, prayer, etc. I feel so blessed to have people like you come alongside us in prayer! Blessings upon blessings!
In Christ abounding Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.