Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Silent Retreat!

Tomorrow we start our Silent Retreat! We are all a little tired, exhausted, and ready for this Silent Retreat. We have been learning so much and have had so much wisdom and knowledge poured out to us that we are really looking forward to these next few days so that we can process what God is trying to teach us. We can't have any form of communication with anyone. So that means not talking to people here or people at home. So no internet. Just so you know that I will not be on here or Facebook and MySpace for the next few days. We can only read our Bible, use our journal, and be with God from 12 pm Wednesday thru 12 pm Friday. We're staying here at the MARK Centre and we will have the whole Centre to spread out in. It will probably be raining all week so we can't really go outside much, unless we don't mind getting wet, which is not really cool. We all really wanted to be outside, but we'll see what happens.
Please pray that God shows me what He wants for me to grasp on to right now, and what He wants for me to let go of. I'll be praying for a lot of things and most of all, people. I'm really looking forward to just having it be God and me to communicate with each other. Thank you for your prayers! Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hey Love,
So you're going to Japan.
Sounds exciting. Laugh. =]
And this silent retreat...
Oh gosh, come on why do that
to a Mexican!!
You know, we must talk 24/7.
Laugh. =]
I'm sure you made it through...
hopefully. Laugh. =]
Well your mom told me about this
page thing so I thought
to myself...why not go and read
Nan's thoughts...Oh yeah, I'm in your head.
Well yeah...hope you're doing great.
Be very berry careful...
Lots of Love

Joanna said...

Thanks Kat. I truly appreciate you looking at my page! I can feel the love.....thanks! And about this Mexican being silent....yeah, it was hard, but it was good, real good! :D
Keep looking at my page......I try to keep it updated.
I'll try to be very berry careful. Love ya lots

Anonymous said...

Hey. Your silent retreat is over. I think you should blog again.

